This is a break down of the scoring for shearing shows or contests. Shearing is much like golf where low score wins. While getting points is unavoidable the shearer does their best to maintain the lowest score possible. Below are the categories they are judged on.
Board Score
The board score is essentially the quality of the fleece removed. If the fleece is damaged in anyway by the shearer they will accumulate “points” with an ideal score being as close to zero as possible. This can mostly be broken down into second cuts and failure to throw out bellies.
Pen Score
The pen score sometimes referred to as “out the back” is all about the sheep being shorn. If the animal has wool left on or has been nicked or cut the shearer will quickly accumulate “points” that will be added together and averaged by the number of sheep shorn.
Time Score
Fairly self explanatory the time score is based on time. With a shearer accumulating 1 point per 20 seconds.
Final Score
The final score is the addition of all three scores together. By using three categories it creates a balance so that only the most efficient quality shearer is capable of winning.
Second Cuts: A second cut is where the same length of fiber has been cut more than once and therefore less usable for spinning or processing.