Marcus Irrthum
The ASSC provided me with numerous opportunites to improve my shearing skills. For example, the Blackhills Stockshow Shearing Competition helped me understand what a quality shearing job entailed. My highlight of last year was shearing in Australia all thanks to the ASSC putting on the advanced shearing school at Mosers Triple Creek Farm. It was there that I first met Mike Pora and even considered going abroad to shear. It was then the continued support and encouragement from the other ASSC members, especially the support from the current president, Katherine Moser, vice president, Nolan Abel and ASI wool council representative, Alex Moser that pushed me to actually travel abroad.
While over in Australia Mike pushed me to enter competitions which helped me to see where my skill was lacking in relation to other shearers. This made me focus on how I could improve and practice these skills in the shed. I am honored to be able to pass along what I have learned from this experience to future generations of shearers as well as current colleagues.